Our Story

There is so much potential in the world. Today information is freely accessible and the barriers to changing the world are getting thinner. We are able to see the vastness of our creativity as well as the expansiveness of our willingness to make the world better. There are also more challenges in the world today. As we move further toward creating more and more things, we cannot lose sight of how this growth affects emerging worlds.

Here at the Hands of Life Southside Chapter, we want this creativity, expansive-ness, and resourcefulness of the progressing world to spill over; channeled into helping those in the emerging world to have clean water, food, natural healthcare and access to education.

As Chiropractors, we have the honor of delivering a service that removes the in-terferences to the nervous system, thereby freeing the true potential within, al-lowing the receiver to access their true level of brilliance. With a stronger immune system, stronger organs, a more efficient body, and a clear mind our patients are restored to a level of coherence that some only experience as a child.

We believe that everyone should have access to this remarkable work. As a part of our mission, we offer affordable rates to patients that are in need, and the profits from our efforts are contributed to our goals in bringing clean water, food, natural healthcare, and education to those that are without.

We hope to show the world the power of chiropractic, the power of human potential, and the power to change the world into something better.

Our Mission

To create a natural avenue for the underserved, financial hard-shipped population throughout the world to regain their health through:

  1. Chiropractic care creating an efficiently running nervous system,
  2. Accessible clean water and healthy food,
  3. The opportunity to have a superior education so that each person can reach their god given potential and create a healthier world tomorrow.

Our Purpose

Hands For Life is a non profit 501(c)3 that prides itself on looking for the “greater good” within each individual on God’s planet.  We understand there may be a divide that separates people based on culture, ethnicity, race, etc., and Hands For Life sees these difference’s as reasons to unite as one!  Just like a rainbow has different colors, those colors makes up its inherent beauty.  HFL sees the same inherent beauty within all people on our planet.   Our differences and individual  uniqueness’ make our world more exciting, more educational and more real.  Hands For Life is dedicated to creating a healthier world while honoring the differences amongst us.  We travel the globe to touch lives and educate  people about health.  Through chiropractic and a natural lifestyle, along with water, food and education, Hands For Life sees its role as a facilitator to unleash the God given potential residing within each person.  Sustainability, empowerment, better health and self sufficiency are what we leave behind after we touch so many.  Our goal is simple: to make sure every man, woman and child have a high functioning nerve system, enough food and water for great nutrition, and an education so they can read, write,  and have the basic skills so they can thrive and thus make a better contribution to the world.

Our Team

We’re a family of chiropractors serving to make the world a healthier, more connected place. Our team understands the disparity in healthcare across the globe. There are some communities with access to excellent chiropractic care. There are other groups of people who have no way of receiving the benefit of chiropractic care. Our team came together to try and shrink the gap between the “haves” and the “have not’s”.

If we can all do something, anything, to be a part of making the world a better place, simply from a place of compassion for all living things, then we would simply have a better world. This is the reason behind what Dr. Dave does in his office. Removing the interference to the nervous system of every individual on the planet would have and exponential effect on the world unlike anything that we have ever seen. However, a clear nervous system is a health basis that should be built upon fundamentals that every human should have and that is
Clean Air, Food, Water and access to an Education. Dr. Dave is here to serve.

Dr Dave Aitken

President/ CEO/ Board Member

Bio – Global change agent, alternative business strategist and international performance artists, Emily Kate Boyd grew up a folk songwriter in Tennessee, started a record label at 23 and later got her start in the art of business strategy as an apprentice to Seth Godin, featured in Forbes Magazine. She runs an international business consulting agency and a record label. She lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she is learning to write songs in Spanish. When not being a rock star or story consultant, Emily puts energy into charitable works that incubate alternative media start-ups and social enter-prises intent on doing good and being effective in the new attention economy.
Emily Kate Boyd

Vice President/ Board Member

Andy Harrison is a veteran of the healthcare and retail/restaurant industries. He has mostly worked in the field of Organizational Effectiveness, specializing in facilitation, team building, change management, process improvement, instructional design and leadership development. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and is currently pursuing graduate studies. Andy Harrison

Secretary/ Treasurer/ Board Member